New River Primary - Empowering for life!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Personal Hygiene

What do germs look like?

They are so little we can't see them but under a microscope they look like this....

Our toothy experiment...

Yesterday we found out that egg shells are similar to teeth. -We soaked one egg in water all night. -We soaked one egg in milk all night. -We soaked one egg in coke fizz all night. We predicted what might happen. Some of us thought the coke egg would crack. Some of us thought it would disappear.
Then today we looked at the eggs to see what happened... The water egg didn't change. The milk egg went whiter. The coke egg went brown. We decided it was just like our teeth. If we have fizz before bed without brushing our teeth - the sugar in the fizz will go into our teeth and stain them and make holes.
Then we scrubbed the eggs with a toothbrush and toothpaste - Do you think we were able to get the stains off the eggs?