New River Primary - Empowering for life!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How are you feeling?

Kei to pehea koe?
(How are you feeling?)

Kei te _____________________ ahau.

The words you can put in there are...
koa - happy
ngenge - tired
riri - angry
wera - hot
pouri - sad
wairangi - excited
haikai - hungry
mauiui - sick

so  how are you feeling today?

Monday, July 8, 2013

We had a visit from a nutritionist!

Do you know which drink has the most sugar out of:
coke, lemon lime and bitters, v, e2, water, milk, chocolate milk or poweraide?

We learned about reading food labels.  We want to be eating foods that are less than ten grams of sugar.  Fats need to be less than ten grams too.  Sodium needs to be less than 400mg. 

Did you know that the way you cook food can change which part of the food pyramid it would go in?