New River Primary - Empowering for life!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kupu of the day

waenganui: between He aha kei waenganui i te rūma noho? What’s in the middle of the lounge? - this example uses he aha to ask what He tēpu kāwhi kei waenganui i te rūma noho. A coffee table at the middle of the lounge. (There’s a coffee table in the middle of the lounge.) - this is an example of a classifying sentence Kei waenganui āu kī i te tūru me te waea pūkoro. Your keys are between the chair and the cell phone.


  1. Hi Room3 we think its pretty cool that you are learning your Maori. Room11 have been learning how to say colours, time, numbers, days, months, pick up, put down and put away objects and all other words. Do you know what this day is Rapare?
    A. Monday
    B. Thursday
    C. Friday

    1. We think it is Thursday. You are clever learning all those things.
